
How can there be so many bloggers out here and I get alzheimers when I try to use this???

Sunday, December 04, 2005

So Far So Good

Well..... it's been 16 days since I've had a cigarette. So far I seem to be doing well. I did use something called "Smoke Away" which is a vitamain supplement as opposed to a nicotine patch or something like that. I was amazed at how well it worked. I really thought that I did want to succeed at quitting and thought that I might have the conviction to do it but never thought I would quit with such ease. Yes, I still have times when I get the urge to have one but I haven't. I just can't believe how well it helped with withdrawal symptoms. I had none. I wasn't aggitated, aggravated or stressed. To top it all off it helped my fingernails grow. I don't really think I need it anymore but I'm considering buying some more just because I like the way it makes me feel....calm and healthy. The "Smoke Away" comes with a Quit Help CD. It's not a hypnosis tape just reinforcement. I've been listening to that too and that seems to help.

I hope I'm not jinxing myself because the tape says not to tell people you quit for a month. I'm only up to two weeks and 2 days. I'm feeling pretty good about it and hoping that I will keep up the good work. I've only spent a short time with one of my smoking buddies and seemed to handle that OK

Now that the "Smoke Away" is just about gone I am noticing that I'm starting to cough. I wasn't doing that until now and was surprised. I guess all that junk in my lungs has to come off somehow. It is winter in New England though and the weather is wacky as ever so who knows, I could be getting a cold. All I know is that for now I'm pleased with my progress...So Far So Good!