
How can there be so many bloggers out here and I get alzheimers when I try to use this???

Saturday, August 06, 2005

At the tone

At the tone the time will be....4:37 a.m.

At 4:37 a.m I have the motivation to try to see why I am having such a hard time becoming a blogger. I've had a couple to posts but it seems to me like I'm doing something wrong.....am I? Beats Me!!!! I guess when I'm done with this I'll find out. It just may be my understanding of how this works or my misunderstanding. It seems like each time I create a post it should be that I am creating a blog.....after all...I'm already signed in and attempting to pour my heart out...that is if I ever get that far. Creating a post seems to me like it is an additional comment to the last post rather than a new one. So in the meantime I guess I just keep trying and hope for perfection.So my hope here is to have a new subject without having to go into my previous post to get this new one. One of these days when I shouldn't have gone to bed hours ago maybe I can read the directions and actually understand what they mean in conjunction to what I'm trying to accomplish. Here goes


  • At 9:17 AM, Blogger Red Burtt said…

    Looks good to me, do you really Post at 1:00 AM. That's a good idea though it probably nice and peaceful.
    Keep Blogging. xx


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