
How can there be so many bloggers out here and I get alzheimers when I try to use this???

Sunday, December 04, 2005

So Far So Good

Well..... it's been 16 days since I've had a cigarette. So far I seem to be doing well. I did use something called "Smoke Away" which is a vitamain supplement as opposed to a nicotine patch or something like that. I was amazed at how well it worked. I really thought that I did want to succeed at quitting and thought that I might have the conviction to do it but never thought I would quit with such ease. Yes, I still have times when I get the urge to have one but I haven't. I just can't believe how well it helped with withdrawal symptoms. I had none. I wasn't aggitated, aggravated or stressed. To top it all off it helped my fingernails grow. I don't really think I need it anymore but I'm considering buying some more just because I like the way it makes me feel....calm and healthy. The "Smoke Away" comes with a Quit Help CD. It's not a hypnosis tape just reinforcement. I've been listening to that too and that seems to help.

I hope I'm not jinxing myself because the tape says not to tell people you quit for a month. I'm only up to two weeks and 2 days. I'm feeling pretty good about it and hoping that I will keep up the good work. I've only spent a short time with one of my smoking buddies and seemed to handle that OK

Now that the "Smoke Away" is just about gone I am noticing that I'm starting to cough. I wasn't doing that until now and was surprised. I guess all that junk in my lungs has to come off somehow. It is winter in New England though and the weather is wacky as ever so who knows, I could be getting a cold. All I know is that for now I'm pleased with my progress...So Far So Good!


  • At 1:38 AM, Blogger sevej said…

    Yay for Green Alligator!!!

    This is absolutely great!! Quitting smoking can be one of the most empowering things a person can do. I'm at 19 months and counting myself.

    You've made (and are continuing to make) a choice for long-term gain over short-term pleasure. At the same time you've decided that you can put up with a little short-term pain (and I'm glad to hear that things are going swimmingly so far) with the benefit that you will be avoiding some serious long-term pain in the future.

    I applaud your courage and bravery. You may have days that are harder than others, but it's all part of the work one needs to do. Keep looking at the long term. Send me an e-mail if you need to talk. Know that there are people that care.


  • At 1:54 AM, Blogger Green Alligator said…

    Thank you for your support!!!

  • At 5:59 AM, Blogger sevej said…

    Happy New Year! - You have been tagged. Stop by and see what we're all wondering about :)

  • At 9:40 AM, Blogger .- said…

    Happy New year and I wish you the best

  • At 3:06 PM, Blogger Red Burtt said…

    I haven't had one for 38 years, I used to "eat them".

    I knew a guy that used to say "if I live to be 90 I'm going to start smoking again, I told him, I'd start again with him, I bet we would have (lol).
    His Initials were (JFK)
    Red Burtt


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