
How can there be so many bloggers out here and I get alzheimers when I try to use this???

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Old Dogs

So just who was it who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks? There's plenty of old dogs out there eager to learn new tricks. They're also eager to pass on their new tricks, or share their new found wisdom, or lessons learned to the pups.

Sometimes pups don't think they can learn anything from and old dog. They'd rather learn on their own and make their own mistakes. After all, times have changed. What can an old dog know that would contribute in todays society?

Sometimes old dogs don't want to learn any new tricks or get frustrated trying to learn new tricks. In some cases an old dog can become more patient, especially in dealing with the pups who think they know it all. Does anyone ever know it all? You're never to old to increase your knowledge. It keeps your mind sharp and fresh. It keeps you going. It makes you interesting.

One day the pup will find that they are the old dog. When they do they will have a better understanding of just how much those old dogs had to contribute...if they only took the time to listen. They'll understand that the old dogs weren't just sitting idly by. They'll realize that they are not only filled with the keys to the past but with wisdom that has stood the test of time and grows bigger with each passing day.

To all the old dogs I've know....Thank You! I haven't learned it all yet but the light bulb is going on in my head!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

At the tone

At the tone the time will be....4:37 a.m.

At 4:37 a.m I have the motivation to try to see why I am having such a hard time becoming a blogger. I've had a couple to posts but it seems to me like I'm doing something wrong.....am I? Beats Me!!!! I guess when I'm done with this I'll find out. It just may be my understanding of how this works or my misunderstanding. It seems like each time I create a post it should be that I am creating a blog.....after all...I'm already signed in and attempting to pour my heart out...that is if I ever get that far. Creating a post seems to me like it is an additional comment to the last post rather than a new one. So in the meantime I guess I just keep trying and hope for perfection.So my hope here is to have a new subject without having to go into my previous post to get this new one. One of these days when I shouldn't have gone to bed hours ago maybe I can read the directions and actually understand what they mean in conjunction to what I'm trying to accomplish. Here goes